
It is essential that adequate financial resources are available during all phases of the country’s elimination strategy. In 2016, Zambia’s national malaria programme collaborated on a costing exercise. The result was an estimate of costs, but with sufficient precision to allow partners to assess financial needs and consider financing mechanisms.

With this information, a business plan was developed to bring partners together to provide scaled and sustainable investment to both measure and achieve malaria elimination.

Unit costs per intervention

Intervention Unit Cost
LLINs $2.6 per person reached
IRS (Actellic) $4.8 per person reached
Case management $2.5 per person treated
MDA $4.5 per person treated per round
Case investigation $1.1 per person covered by investigation system
Rapid reporting $829 per health facility

Projected costs by intervention over time

Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Five-year TOTAL
ACTs 4,584,853 12,447,525 9,958,020 11,279,312 12,775,922 51,045,631
Artesunate 171,000 1,493,105 1,194,484 955,587 764,470 4,578,647
IPTp 210,397 221,145 232,343 241,592 251,209 1,156,685
RDTs 9,126,146 9,476,443 9,840,185 10,115,710 10,398,950 39,831,288
Case management - facility 15,849,241 16,589,578 17,364,497 18,232,722 19,144,358 71,331,154
Case investigation - community 772,358 4,969,212 12,276,864 14,744,259 17,707,550 50,470,243
IRS 22,110,981 24,504,569 33,799,536 35,342,459 36,955,815 152,713,360
LLINs 15,610,143 2,332,070 3,675,008 15,776,937 3,858,759 41,252,917
LSM 2,250,792 2,302,663 2,475,363 2,661,015 2,860,591 12,550,423
MDA 1,332,105 20,569,243 56,464,535 21,796,951 - 100,162,834
Advocacy/SBCC 3,897,312 1,924,367 5,358,504 4,800,185 4,300,038 20,280,406
Entomology 365,275 693,049 1,315,382 1,205,382 1,104,581 4,683,669
Programme management 12,570,227 14,761,434 13,186,363 13,467,191 13,754,000 67,739,215
SMEOR 10,475,486 5,432,134 7,928,683 13,374,097 14,042,802 51,253,201
TOTAL 99,326,315 117,716,536 175,069,767 163,993,399 137,919,044 694,025,062

Projected costs by intervention over time